Helping you find the words to connect with God.
Acceptance and belonging Addiction and Recovery Addiction recovery Advocacy for Human Rights Animal welfare Artistic achievement Charity and generosity Comfort Community Compassion Compassion and kindness Conflict resolution Creativity and Innovation Creativity and inspiration Crisis and Disaster Relief Cultural Understanding Cultural understanding and harmony Deliverance Disaster relief and recovery Education and knowledge Education and Teachers Elderly and Aging Elderly well-being Employment and career success End to suffering and pain Endurance Environmental conservation Faith Faith and spirituality Financial stability Financial Stewardship Forgiveness and reconciliation Forgiveness in Relationships Freedom and liberty Friendship Global Unity Gratitude Gratitude and thankfulness Grieving and loss Guidance in Decision-Making Healing from Past Traumas Healing from trauma Health and healing Holiness Homelessness and Poverty Hope Hope and optimism Human Rights Humility Humility and modesty Innovation in Science and Medicine Joy Joy and contentment Justice Justice and Fairness Justice for the Oppressed Leadership and influence Love and happiness Mental Health Mental health and well-being National and global peace Orphans and Vulnerable Children Overcoming Temptation Patience Patience and understanding Peace Peace and tranquility Peaceful Resolution of Conflicts Perseverance Personal growth and development Physical fitness and health Pregnancy and childbirth Protection and safety Purity Reconciliation Relationship healing Relationships Restoration of Broken Places Scientific discovery Self-control and discipline Serenity Spiritual Discernment Spiritual enlightenment Spiritual Mentorship Stewardship of Time Strength Strength and courage Success in endeavors Sustainability and Environmental Justice Technological advancement The Persecuted The Unchurched Travel safety Trust Trust in God Understanding Unity Unity in the Church Wisdom and guidance Wisdom in Technology Use